About the Developers

Water Exploration Project Leaders

Kathy Kelly Ellins, Program Manager, Geoscience Education, Institute for Geophysics, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin.  

Kathy Ellins is the principal investigator on the Water Exploration project.  Kathy's training in geoscience focused on hydrology, marine geology, and oceanography.  Kathy currently specializes in Geoscience Education.  She worked closely with Linda Ruiz McCall (bio) to supervise the development of the Legacy Cycles and the Web site.

Active in national Earth science education reform, Kathy serves on the U.S. Science Advisory Committee (USAC) for the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) and has served on the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology Education Committee.  For 10 years, she has provided K-12 professional development to science teachers in Texas.  Other education projects include the National Science Foundation-sponsored TXESS Revolution project, which she leads, and Earth Systems Science: A Key to Climate Literacy, which is led by Tamara Ledley (bio) at Technical Education Research Center (TERC) and sponsored by National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA).

Linda Ruiz McCall, Public Information Geologist, Bureau of Economic Geology. 

Linda Ruiz McCall is an educator, business woman, and geologist with experience in government service, private industry, and public education, Linda is committed to helping to build understanding about water resources and the need for water conservation.


4empowerment.com, a Texas-based for-profit educational enterprise, and J3 Web Services, a Web development and hosting corporation, developed the Web interface.

Teacher developers participate in the TXESS Revolution, a professional development program aimed at eighth grade and high school teachers preparing to teach the senior capstone course in Earth and Space Science.