Water-Earth Dynamics, Challenge 3: Put Some Blue In Your Green School
Now that you have gathered your data for a water audit of your school, it is time to interpret the results and develop a set of recommendations on how to implement water conservation practices at your school. Go public by presenting your findings and recommendations to fellow students, school officials, and community leaders.
To satisfy this challenge you should do the following:
- Write a report or create a poster that (a) summarizes your water conservation service learning project, (b) displays the data you collected in graphs and/or charts, (c) contains diagrams or pictures, and (d) includes a summary table of your recommendations and action plan.
- Present your report or poster to fellow students, school officials, and community leaders.
- Enact behavioral changes to conserve water and raise awareness by (a) going public with your classmates by writing an article for the school newspaper or Web site and (b) creating a tri-fold pamphlet to inform the public about drought and water conservation in Texas. Distribute your pamphlet to fellow students and staff during Earth Day celebrations or other environmental celebrations your school holds.
- Enact structural changes to conserve water by working with school maintenance staff and/or community partners such as your water provider, to fix water leaks and install efficient water technologies.
Printable version of the rubric
Challenge 3 “Go Public” Products |
Highly Proficient | Capable | Adequate | Limited | Inadequate |
| 25 points | 20 points | 15 points | 10 points | 5 points |
(1) Create a report or poster that summarizes the findings and action plan (25 points) |
(2) Present findings and an action plan to community partners, school administration, and student body (25 points) |
(3) Enact behavioral changes to conserve water and raise awareness (25 points) |
(4) Enact structural changes to conserve water (25 points) |